Friday, February 13, 2009

海珠屿大伯公庙(一) Thai Pak Kong temple (1st part)

这是槟城丹绒道光海珠屿大伯公庙的屋顶,都是中国式的建筑模式。这大伯公庙是为了纪念由中国南来的三位结拜兄弟而建,因为他们的落脚地就是在这海珠屿。这三兄弟到达槟榔屿的时间还要比来特早几十年呢! This is the roof of the "Thai pak kong" temple (thai pak kong actually is Hakka dialect pronunciation) located at Tanjung Tokong, Penang, it is at the north eastern of Penang Island and is just next to the sea. This temple is built to memorize three brothers who came from China to exploit the Penang Island, and this was the place where the trio landed. They landed in Penang Island even earlier then Sir Francis Wrigth.

这两只麒麟守护神,守护着这庙宇的安全,还记得2004年大海啸发生时,附近地方都遭到海啸的冲击,唯这庙宇丝毫无损。These two statu is what the Chinese call "qiling", they are the guard for the temple.

飞龙在天,在华人庙宇都很长见。The dragon on the top is a very common scene at all the Chinese temple.

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