Saturday, February 28, 2009

姓周橋 Chew Jetty

姓周橋 Chew Jetty
(from -

業,所以靠海吃飯的先賢們只好把房子建得離海面比較近的地方。 隨著檳城經濟蓬勃發展,人口也逐漸膨脹,沿海地帶再也沒有地方供外來移民落腳的地方,而后來者只好開始往海面發展,跟著個別的姓氏在所屬的碼頭兩側搭起長腳屋,“橋”既是用木材建成的碼頭,所以那一帶成為姓氏橋。 檳城原本有8處海上人家,分別為姓林、姓周、姓陳、姓李、姓楊、雜姓、姓郭及平安橋,后兩者抵抗不住發展洪流,面臨被拆的命運,僅剩的6條橋變得特別珍貴,因此都列入世界遺產范圍內,以更完善的制度好好保存下來。 在姓氏橋中,以姓周橋的規模最大,居民約千人,橋上看起來似乎只有一個走道,其實在走道旁還有一些分叉路,走進去出現在你面前的又是另一道風景,200年的開發,讓橋的結構變得極其復雜,是表面看不到,也想象不到的。 姓周橋社群的凝聚力很強,尤其每年新春初九天公誕,几乎所有橋民都會動員來大肆慶祝,其共同拜祭的祭品長達數十張桌子,長長的祭品旁還有舞獅、舞龍來助興,煙花炮竹更不能少,它是檳城旅游單位重頭慶典節目之一。 姓氏橋的橋民依然保持著如昔日的生活作息,海上人家的豪爽和熱情依然可以從他們身上散發出來,申遺評委龍炳頤就曾贊嘆那是個活著的文化。 在喬治市榮升為世界遺跡后,小部分橋民開始把房子開發成民宿,想一嘗海上人家生活的朋友,不妨一試,那絕對是一種不一樣的感受。  





Friday, February 27, 2009

The Sire

(from :
The Sire博物馆餐厅坐落在在King Street和Light Street的交界处。老人家都叫这里为“九间屋”,那是槟城在殖民时代富可敌国的著名银行家和慈善家叶祖意先生的故居。 52">The Sire从外面看起来只是一间典雅的小餐厅,然而当你越过前庭,走入阁楼,你很难不被里头气势非凡的装潢给吸引,柳暗花明的感觉油然而生,而富丽堂皇叶祖意博物馆就在餐厅部的后头。 The Sire博物馆餐厅在今年年初才由叶祖意的孙子叶良发敦促下修护成當今的面貌,餐厅装潢再浓郁古典韵味中不失现代时尚,从采光设计到物品摆设,屋子里的每一个角落几乎都可以看到设计者细腻的心思。 博物馆有四层楼高,典雅的旋转梯,天窗下精致的水池,还有收藏了上百件叶氏家族在殖民时代用过的日常用品、祖传古董、傢俬、家族照片、历史画相,都融合在这座世纪中叶的战前建筑里,这里让你看的绝对不仅是古董,而是恢复了当代那种华丽气派的感官享受。 对于餐馆的食物并没有留下太深印象,价格也和一般高级餐厅无异,然而在叶祖意博物馆的加持下,The Sire比起其他高级餐厅更显特色。 只要在The Sire餐厅用餐就可以免费前往博物馆参观,你还可以要求专人为你讲解,午餐营业时间从11:30am至3pm,晚餐则是6pm至10:30pm,餐馆以星期日为休息天。

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lamp post

What is this? The photos shown is the very old lamp post at Macalister Road infront of Red Rock Hotel. How old I am not very sure. You can look at the name of the company on the post.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The "makan " place

Don't be mistaken this Kemunting is not the "ISA Kamunting" that eat carry rice. This Kemunting is located at Kedah where the place call Sungai Kop which is about 25 minutes drive from Kulim High Tech Park. What special is the restaurant is floating on the water. There are many types of fresh water fish as shown in the pictures below. Actually the food there is just OK, that the enviroment make you feel good. How to go there? As you travel from BKE and turn in the KLHTP you will passing by First Solar factory, until 2nd trafic light then can see a sign board of the restaurant at the road side and follow the sign take about 25minutes drive pass the Sungai Kop town then can see another sign board then there is the place.

这甘文丁和那恶名远播的“甘文丁”是完全两回事。这甘文丁是位于吉打州的一个小镇- 双溪阁,距离居林高科技园大约25分钟路程。这里除了有新鲜的淡水鱼,美味的食物外,还有的是那清优的环境,让您置身于大自然中。

Friday, February 20, 2009


光大摩天楼为槟城第一高楼,楼高60层;底下五层是综合中心,由第六层开始就是槟州政府行政中心。整个光大发展计划共有6期,从槟榔律开始一直到社尾一带。 KOMTAR Tower is the tallest building in Penang, it has total of 60 storey. From ground floor to 5th floor are shopping complex, restaurant, retail shops, local government office etc. The 6th floor to the 60th floor are the administration offices for the whole Penang government. KOMTAR is the short form of " Komplex Tun Abdul Razak"; Abdul Razak is the 2nd Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Friday, February 13, 2009

海珠屿大伯公庙(二) Thai Pak Kong temple (2nd part)

海珠屿大伯公入口的牌搂。The entrance of the "Thai Pak Kong" temple.
白天的大伯公庙宇,适逢农历年十二,这天是由大埔籍客家人拜祭。 This is the day scene of the "thai pak kong" temple, the photo is taken on the 1st month, day 12 of the Chinese calendar; this day is the turn that the clan of "Taipu" Hakka to pray at the temple.

伯公庙的夜景。大年十二夜晚九时正所有大埔籍贯的客家人都会到来拜祭,当晚还有舞狮表演,放鞭炮,烟火还有自由餐享用,热闹非凡。At 9 o'clock of that night, other then praying to the "thai pak kong", there was lion dance, fire crackers and event buffet dinner for all the Taipu Hakka.

海珠屿大伯公庙(一) Thai Pak Kong temple (1st part)

这是槟城丹绒道光海珠屿大伯公庙的屋顶,都是中国式的建筑模式。这大伯公庙是为了纪念由中国南来的三位结拜兄弟而建,因为他们的落脚地就是在这海珠屿。这三兄弟到达槟榔屿的时间还要比来特早几十年呢! This is the roof of the "Thai pak kong" temple (thai pak kong actually is Hakka dialect pronunciation) located at Tanjung Tokong, Penang, it is at the north eastern of Penang Island and is just next to the sea. This temple is built to memorize three brothers who came from China to exploit the Penang Island, and this was the place where the trio landed. They landed in Penang Island even earlier then Sir Francis Wrigth.

这两只麒麟守护神,守护着这庙宇的安全,还记得2004年大海啸发生时,附近地方都遭到海啸的冲击,唯这庙宇丝毫无损。These two statu is what the Chinese call "qiling", they are the guard for the temple.

飞龙在天,在华人庙宇都很长见。The dragon on the top is a very common scene at all the Chinese temple.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

拜天公 Pray the god of sky


The praying of the god of the sky (ti kong- in Hokkien), is the most important ceremony for the Hokkien people, especially in Penang. The food and fruits and others showing in the photos are cannot missed out during the praying.

汕头客栈 Swatow lodging house



孙中山先生在槟城的基地,它座落于打铜仔街,槟城人称之为 Pak tang ga keh。屋内有关于孙中山先生革命的资料。
This house is the base for Mr. Sun Yat Sen in Penang. It is located at Armenian Street, which local call this street as "Pak Tang ga Keh" .

Monday, February 2, 2009


非常原味的炒河粉,只有虾,肉,菜心及猪肝,主要是吃那河粉被炒出来的香味及它的口感。那里可找到?它就在唐人街,椰脚街观音亭对面。 This is what we call "char hor fun", this is the very original taste, the store is located at China Street where opposite the temple of God of Mercy.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


这是道地华人传统结婚的摆设。 the picture shows that it is the local chinese traditional wedding.

布袋戏的戏棚。 Where the Chinese puppet is.

华人传统新春舞蹈。 Chinese traditional New year dance perfomance.

街头庙会CNY cultural & heritage celebration


This the once a year Chinese New Year cultural and heritage celebration and shows 2009, it is held by the Penang government.
these are few of the photos during the event.



This is "Ong Kongsi", "kongsi" is a malay word mean company or association, Ong is one of the Chinese sur-name "王", pronounce as "wang". This building is located at the of Georgetown and is directly opposite the Penang landmark "KOMTAR".
槟城美女!!! Beautiful girl in Penang!!