Friday, January 9, 2009

粿條湯為檳城的其中一種小食﹐粿條是由米所做﹐那湯呢是用雞骨或豬骨熬煮。通常都加些魚丸﹐雞肉或鴨肉﹐鴨血﹐豬內臟等。上圖的粿條湯是位於Hutton Lane﹐檳總警察局後﹐已有三四十年的歷史了。
"Guay Tiao Soup" is one of the Penang famous local food, the "guay tiao" is made from rice, you can find it almost every where in Penang. The one shown in the photo is one of the oldest, it is already 30-40 years history, you can find it at Hatton Lane, off Penang Road. It is one of my favourite.

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