Saturday, January 31, 2009


这些老房子是座落于古迹保留区的中心之一 -- 二条路。从头条路至八条路有很多的战前古老的房子。
These old houses are located in the heart of Georgetown and one of the important heritage gazetted area. These area are cover from Magezine Road to Nanking Road.


During the 60's to 80's, this street is the Penangite favorite shopping arcade- Campbell Street. These two photos are taken during the recent Chinese New Year.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This row of 4 houses is belong to one of the famous penang tycoon. It is the only few residential premises at this surounding area especially stand beside the main road.
这四间房子属于槟城其中一名闻人, 而且是少数在这车水马龙的车水路拿来当住宅的。

Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy 牛 year

恭祝各界"牛"年快乐,万事亨通大吉。Wishing all of you have a very happy year of "Ox".

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Building for the Clan of Saw Khaw Lean

这是苏许连宗祠,由姓苏,许及连三大姓所组成。此宗祠座落于槟榔屿车水路,和电讯局相对。 this building is belong to the members who are by the surname of Saw, Khor and Lian. It is located at Burma Road, opposite the Telekom Office.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rattan & bamboo crafts(藤竹手工艺品)

Looking for rattan & bamboo handy crafts? This is one of the few shop in town . It is located at Lebuh Pantai near to old "shia bouy" 寻找藤竹手工艺品?这家座落于Lebuh Pantai 靠近旧“社尾万山”是城中稀有的其中一间。

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Penang Hill

the cable car station on the foot of Penang Hill.

Ayer Itam market

Ayer Itam market on the Saturday morning.
It attract people from all around Penang, event mainland to do marketing here.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Heritage KFC

Heritage style Kentucky Fried Chicken building , this KFC heritage building is located at Jalan Larut.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


今天教你如何蒸鱼 - 材料 - 新鲜白昌鱼两条(大约三百克)
蒸法 - 先把锅里的水煮沸,然后将洗净的白昌鱼及姜放进锅里蒸至五分钟 左右,然后加入酱油,把锅盖盖两至三分钟即可食用,食用前放些葱和芹菜。希望你能享受到美味新鲜的蒸鱼。

Friday, January 9, 2009

粿條湯為檳城的其中一種小食﹐粿條是由米所做﹐那湯呢是用雞骨或豬骨熬煮。通常都加些魚丸﹐雞肉或鴨肉﹐鴨血﹐豬內臟等。上圖的粿條湯是位於Hutton Lane﹐檳總警察局後﹐已有三四十年的歷史了。
"Guay Tiao Soup" is one of the Penang famous local food, the "guay tiao" is made from rice, you can find it almost every where in Penang. The one shown in the photo is one of the oldest, it is already 30-40 years history, you can find it at Hatton Lane, off Penang Road. It is one of my favourite.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

妙香林夜景(night scene of Miao Xiang Ling temple)

These photos were taken on the eve of new year of 2009. The Miao Xiang Lin temple is located at Penang Hill foot, about 500m from the cable car station. It is one of the famous temple in Penang.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


这是大伯公庙,已有整百年历史,地点位于大伯公街(King Street)。上下图片为大门进口处的墙壁。每当农历初一十五这庙的香火都很旺盛。这一带有不少的古老建筑物,值得一游。

This landscape is at the Gurney Drive roundabout. One of the few landscape that I like.